Fennex Industrial Brand Launch


Ward Demolition chooses OilQuick.

With operating costs going through the roof, Peter Ward of Ward Demolition needed an automatic quick coupler system that saved time and increased productivity. Backed by comprehensive support from FENNEX Industrial, OilQuick was the answer.

“We went with OilQuick cos we’re looking for a faster, quicker operation. It’s repairable, fabricated out of steel and there’s less risk of foreign debris contaminating our hydraulic system.”

Ward Demolition installed their first OilQuick quick coupling system in November 2023 and have been impressed with the improved productivity and efficiency of changing attachments quickly from the cab.

“You’re sitting in the cab, you do not get out, you literally – boom, bang – and you’re done.”

OilQuick automatic quick couplers fully integrate hydraulic connections between machine and attachment, massively increasing productivity.  

“I’ve found the service of Fennex to be fantastic. They deliver the gear and it arrives on time. Most contractors run a just-in-time operation, we don’t have a job, we don’t have a job, we have a job – we need it right now. I need the gear delivered right now, and I need it operating yesterday. Fennex can deliver that."